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『進入細微能量身』春季靜默營&工作坊 https://forms.gle/ji9DGXc4jkCW8rA2A

2018年6月12日 星期二


規劃你如何延長你祈禱及靜坐的時間, 你可以做出改變, 只要你認真看待

規劃你的死亡時刻. 規劃下一世你將擁有甚麼樣的肉身. 規劃你下一世將出生在甚麼樣的家庭

這些規劃的一部份是你死亡時的心情, 甚麼心情, 怎樣的情懷, 如何的感受, 當你死去時臉上帶著甚麼樣的笑容, 在你最後一口呼吸時是否感到心滿意足⋯⋯
~ 斯瓦米 韋達 帕若堤
Vasudeva Principle 內在神明 原則

"Plan for how you can increase the time you sit for your prayers and your meditation. You will make a difference. Take it seriously.

Plan for the moment of dying. Plan for the kind of body you want next time. Plan for in what kind of a household you want to be born next time.
Part of that plan is the mood of your dying, what mood, what sentiment, what feeling, what smile there will be on your face at the moment of dying. What satisfaction you will have with your last breath."

Vasudeva Principle

