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『進入細微能量身』春季靜默營&工作坊 https://forms.gle/ji9DGXc4jkCW8rA2A

2012年4月2日 星期一

四月公開講座 - 行動禪 : 忙碌生活中安住的心







“sa tu dīrgha-kāla-nairantarya satkārāsevito dṛḍha-bhūmi


當一項練習已經毫無間斷地,並且真誠投入地進行好一段時間時,那麼這項練習將成為一個根本穩固、堅實的基礎。”  瑜珈經》,第一章,第十四節






此次講座為The Art of Joyful Living 系列的第二場活動。(第一場218Vicāra向內在的神性請益)舊雨新知,歡迎加入。




時間:421 下午200400

地點:台北市復興北路1925樓之4  嚴菀華瑜珈教室

報名請洽: 歐姵 君 ohcactus@hotmail.com  手機0953-236-606 (簡訊可)









Ilyaz Nasrullah是一位來自荷蘭、現居台灣的電腦工程師。自童年起,他就對於靈修充滿興趣。受到身為韋達大師學生的父母影響,Ilyaz自青少年時期起即開始接觸喜瑪拉雅靜心傳承,二十歲起他開始依據喜瑪拉雅傳承的教導練習瑜珈。由於他一向樂於和他人分享自身練習瑜珈的實際經驗,Ilyaz在二年前也開始教授包含哈達瑜珈、靜坐和瑜珈哲學的整合式瑜珈課程。



The Art of Joyful Living workshop series: Part 2

Let the Genie Go Up and Down the Bamboo Pole


“sa tu dīrgha-kāla-nairantarya satkārāsevito dṛḍha-bhūmi


 “When that practice is done for a long time, without a break, and with sincere devotion, then the practice becomes a firmly rooted, stable and solid foundation.” ---Yoga Sutras, I:14


YS I:14 refers to different aspects of a person's meditation practice. One of these aspects is one of the more difficult ones: the expression of meditation in day-to-day life. For most yoga practitioners, the mind becomes one-pointed during the meditation practice but once again goes here, there and everywhere afterwards.


In this talk the speaker discusses and guides a practical technique mentioned by Swami Rama for maintaining ones awareness after the meditation practice. This technique can also be used to deepen ones regular meditation practice.


This workshop is the second workshop in the "The Art of Joyful Living" workshop series.  Participation in the first workshop in this series, "Vicāra: The process of contemplation", is not a prerequisite.


Time: Apr 21 (Saturday) 2:00~4:00pm

Place: 5F .-4, No.192, Fuxing N. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City

Location reference:

l       Crossed road : XingAn Street (XingAn public housing complex)

l       A “CIGAR GALLERY”store is on the side of the building entrance.

Traffic information:

l       Approx. 5~10 minutes walk north bound from MRT Wenhu line (brown line) Nanjing E. Road Stop.



1.     Sign up by e-mail.  Please send your contact information and name(s) to Ms. Jenny OU at ohcactus@hotmail.com or SMS to 0953-236-606

2.     There is a NT$200 maintenance fee to be paid on-site.

3.     A stamp seal will be awarded to the EasyPass holder, please bring your EasyPass and present it to the staff at the classroom entrance for stamping.

4.     This workshop is conducted in English with simultaneous interpretation.

5.     There will be guided practice in Shavasana posture (the corps posture, lying on the floor), suggest to wear casual clothing and bring a cushion or small towel for support under the neck, and a shawl or blanket to cover yourself in case of cold.. 


 Ilyaz Nasrullah

Ilyaz Nasrullah, a computer scientist trained in Holland and now living in Taiwan, has been interested in spirituality since childhood. Introduced to the Himalayan Yoga Tradition in his early teens through his parents, students of Swami Veda Bharati, Ilyaz started practicing yoga in the Himalayan Tradition at age 20. Now at age 25, Ilyaz has studied yoga from different teachers in India and Europe. Always having enjoyed sharing his practical experiences with others, Ilyaz started teaching integrated yoga classes two years ago.



